Removing Toxic Fracking Chemicals from the Body

Comment on “Sick From Fracking? Doctors, Patients Seek Answers” on Morning Edition,  May 15, 2012, where I discuss the symptoms patients might feel from the chemicals used or extracted during fracking and why, what these chemicals damage, and how to get rid of them, using mind-body medicine techniques. “Fracking” refers to the practice of hydraulic fracturing of the rock holding natural gas using lots of water and chemicals.


NPR reporter Rob Stein describes how fumes, of unknown but suspected origin, periodically blast through a clinic, causing everyone there, including clinical workers, to show symptoms like throat burning, passing out, vomiting, metal taste on the tongue. The symptoms disappear in a short time as the fumes disappear. Others living near gas well drilling show the same and other symptoms: rash, wheezing, aches and pains from any place in the body, etc. Doctors do not know how to treat the patients, because they do not know if any symptom is serious. The EPA is monitoring air chemistry and wind direction. Raina Rippel of the Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project is trying to find answers to questions by testing tap water, connecting doctors and patients with toxicologists, occupational health doctors, environmental scientists and other experts. Her group is also educating health practitioners about the tests to use and what to advise. Others (some doctors and the natural gas industry) say don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. Until there are good studies done, there is not a lot a physician can advise.

My Comment Posted at NPR

Animation of cube of skin rotating in 3D, showing bands of dense connective tissue "fascia" (aponeuroses) in the hypodermis, with a vein tunnel between the surface fascial sheet and the epimysium covering the muscle. From Ahn, A. C. & Li, W. PLoS One, at Wikimedia
Animation of cube of skin rotating in 3D, showing bands of dense connective tissue “fascia” (aponeuroses) in the hypodermis, with a vein tunnel between the surface fascial sheet and the epimysium covering the muscle. From Ahn, A. C. & Li, W. PLoS One

The key part of the anatomy and physiology of the body that is a HUGE window on the symptoms of chemical poisoning is the hypodermis, and what I call the subepithelial transport system. All organs of the body are invested and invaded by connective tissue. The purpose of connective tissue is to “connect” different tissues of the body, but not only in a structural way. It serves to transport both charged ions (micronutrients) and charged and un-charged macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins). Once the blood dumps them outside of the vessel, the stuff has to get to the cells needing it and there are lots of different needs by specialized cells in the hypodermis, including muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, immune system and nerve cells. This necessitates having a complex system of transport in this connective tissue to sort them out and develop concentration gradients so that diffusion can occur for charged chemicals, and provide other methods of transport for un-charged chemicals. (see “What is the Hypodermis?“). For this reason, you can look at the skin as a way to see how toxins can be transported throughout the body outside of the blood vessels, explaining all sorts of symptoms.

I make suggestions from theory here, like the physicians in this report are doing. Doctors should do spectrograms on hypodermic fluid from such patients. All sorts of evidence of damaged tissue from chemicals will be seen there, from incomplete metabolism to no evidence of metabolism taking place when it should, especially from fat cells (sample best taken 20 min after eating non-simple sugar foods like popcorn). The fluids will have chemical elements that should not be there, like metals and harmful larger elements like cesium. The patients will show symptoms that look a lot like fibromyalgia, along with joint pain, itching and burning skin in hands and feet and anywhere along the hypodermal route to those destinations from other parts of the body (including the lining of the gut and nose/mouth/tongue. Other evidence will be seen in chemicals embedded in the epithelium lining the nose, pharynx and esophagus, but not in the trachea or lungs (because the body clears contaminants from there too quickly), and not in the cells lining the mouth (because saliva clears it too well).  I expand on my past experiences on toxin detection and removal at my blog post “Removing Toxic Fracking Chemicals from the Body” at

My Single-Hand Self-Testing Method
My Single-Hand Self-Testing Method of MRT

I can make suggestions from experience to those who want to know if the air is dangerous for them to breathe. You already can smell it, both consciously and unconsciously. What you smell consciously is far less than what you smell unconsciously,  e.g., the chemistry of the air. Using Muscle Reflex Testing (“MRT 1.0-a: How it Works“, Applied Kinesiology) you can determine the chemistry of the air that the nose is smelling, since that information is stored in unconscious memory. I learned that the nervous system ranks the chemical in the body, based upon its molecular weight (use atomic numbers from the periodic table) and its charge (most get broken down to ions in the hypodermis/subepithelial transport system of connective tissue). Using this system of questioning and referring to this periodic table (download a pdf) you can figure out which chemical element is in the air outside.  I found that the chart listing each element by atomic number to be the most helpful. You figure out if any makes it inside the body using the same method, MRT.

Periodic Table

For removing toxins from inside the body, I used several mind-body medicine techniques like mindfulness, visualization or guided imagery, and Muscle Reflex Testing (Applied Kinesiology, see my blog post “Using MRT: Removing Toxins and Emotional Trauma“).

My Extended Comments

Treat the Body’s Chemistry With Chemistry (Nutrition)

I found that once you remove the toxins, damaged organs start to repair–that includes the eyes, nose, lungs, heart, liver, and skin. I got rid of most of the toxins that my mother exposed me to as a baby, only recently, since the body sequesters such stuff in the bones and connective tissues of the body. The liver works mainly on organic toxins. It doesn’t get rid of toxic chemical elements at all. Instead they accumulate there throughout one’s life. For more discussion on this aspect see my blog post ““Toxins”.

Several steps were important for toxin removal:

  1. I had to remain inactive to prevent flow of ions throughout the hypodermis that would send these toxins all over the body.
  2. I had to carefully control the chemistry of what I ate or put on my skin (no makeup, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, lotions, drugs, scents of any kind allowed).
  3. I had a very restricted diet that nonetheless made up very delicious meals, composed only of what nutrients I needed for the next few hours to transport the toxins safely into the blood vessels to kidney and gut as waste, and to provide energy to an inactive body.
  4. I used visualization to imagine what the hypodermis looked like, where the toxins were, and what organs were damaged.
  5. I read aloud passages of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, molecular biology that were relevant to figuring out the damage, using atlases when I could not visualize the structure or physiological process.
  6. I used MRT to assess the damage down to the cellular components.

Just by identifying where the damage was, the brain could then figure out what to do on its own, as long as the neural circuits were not damaged (I found I had to assess damage there first, following a layout of the anatomy of particular centers in the brain). For a detailed example and more on toxins and the brain, see “Finding Toxins and Repairing Tissue“.

Vegetable Soup, from gran at Wikimedia
Vegetable Soup, from gran at Wikimedia

Since you have to rely upon diffusion of these chemical elements, the process can take a long time–the more you have inside of you, the longer it will take. My meals were very simple, ranging from one vegetable with pasta or rice to a mix of many kinds of beans in a veggie soup, eating meat or fruit only when allowed to (using MRT to ask what I needed, both down to the chemical element and to certain compounds like plant or animal fats, carbs or proteins). I used MRT to tell me why a particular spice was needed and got biologically feasible answers (e.g. cumin had certain volatile fatty acids that were helpful in repair of epithelia, curry powder had special compounds that increased the uptake of calcium, boron and magnesium.)

I found out that the less active you are, the less meat protein you need. When I asked first, using MRT, what to eat (both quality, including which spices/foods to add, and quantity), I found I was completely satisfied with what I ate without feeling as if I had filled my stomach completely. MRT told me the chemistry of the foods. Once I had learned which foods were high in calcium, boron, magnesium, phosphate, (from MRT and corroborated in the nutrition literature), I figured out why we taste what we taste from that chemistry. Using this technique, you can begin to understand why you might have certain cravings. Your understanding of your own body’s physiology and limitations increases exponentially.

To help in this process, I would always use MRT to determine what to shop for in groceries. It is easier not to buy those chips, dips and sweet stuff if your own brain tells you “No” via MRT, and you have discovered how accurate its recommendations have been in the past. Sometimes you need to eat comfort food to help the brain find emotional links to a traumatic past, so such junk food will still be allowed, but only very infrequently. You will also learn that not all junk food is “junk” for you–that sometimes that junk food is the only way you can get essential nutrients until the body finishes removing toxins and does the repairs necessary.  That damaged skin you had all your life suddenly starts to heal when the toxins have been removed. As I said, the record of this technique is astonishing.

Teach the Nervous System

A note of caution, however. This technique is a “Pandora’s box”. It will release all the toxins from bones that have been there since the bones formed. It might overwhelm your body’s natural ability to remove them safely when this happens. I had to learn how to program my nervous system to control their release, to scan the body for the presence of these toxins, map them, and then to prepare the routes for the subsequent flow of very dangerous chemicals.

I also had to teach the nervous system how to repair some things. This meant looking for cells in the body that could make the catalysts necessary to break down some very toxic chemicals into elements that could be recombined into less toxic forms for transport. In some cases, hepatic cells had to be transported to the hands for this purpose; in other cases, pleural cells to the heart. Macrophages had to be held at bay during these times because they could kill the very cells that would help me out because they were in the “wrong” place for normal life. For more discussion on the role of the nervous system in toxins removal and repair, see “Using MRT: Removing Toxins and Emotional Trauma“.

This method takes knowledge of the body and physiological processes and a willingness to learn from MRT what you didn’t know before about that physiology. For this reason, this method really belongs in the hands of a physician willing to do things for which they have not been trained and need to study (like using the anatomy and embryology they learned in first year medical school). This method also requires excellent “mindfulness” skills and patience because the answers will not come immediately early on in training the nervous system.

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2 thoughts on “Removing Toxic Fracking Chemicals from the Body

  1. My brother fought near oil fields that were blown up. He got similar symptoms after he was exposed to those fumes.


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